

Musculoskeletal system pains are third most common pain type after headache and abdominal pain in childhood. It is generally caused by mechanical reasons (such as traumas, overusing syndromes, etc.). However, detailed research is required to find the underlying causes of long-term pain. In our outpatient clinic, patients under the age of 18 are examined for joint pains, muscle pains, spinal pain. In treatment; medical treatments, exercise programs, physical treatment methods are used when necessary.


SCOLIOSIS: The human spine is not perfectly straight when viewed from the side. There is a slight depression (lordosis) in the neck and waist region and a slight hump (kyphosis) in the back region. In a normal and healthy spine, the vertebras extend in a straight line from top to bottom when viewed from behind.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine of more than 10 degrees.

It can be noticed even when viewed from the back of the spine, and sometimes it can only be understood when leaning forward or on X-rays.


It’s a structural deformity that affects the body in three dimensions. Scoliosis is a sign, not a disease. Various diseases can also cause scoliosis as it can be seen alone. It can be seen in the infantile period, juvenile, adolescence, and adulthood.  It is most commonly seen between the ages of 10 and 15, and the type seen in this period is named adolescent idiopathic (unknown cause) scoliosis.

25% of individuals with scoliosis have scoliosis in their first and second-degree relatives. Low-grade scoliosis is seen as equal in boys and girls, but high-degree curvatures are more common in girls.

What are the Symptoms of Scoliosis?

One of the shoulders may be higher than the other one. One of the scapulas may be more prominent or higher than the other one.With the arms at the side, there may be more space between the arm and the waist on one side.  One of the hips may appear higher or prominent than the other one.


When viewed from the lateral side, the increased curvature of the thoracic spine is called kyphosis. The most common type is postural kyphosis. It happens due to prolonged bad posture. It can occur at any age. Mild scoliosis may accompany kyphosis in some patients. The most important causes of postural kyphosis are sitting in the wrong position for a long time and weakness of the posture muscles that keep the spine upright. It may mostly improve with exercise and posture training.

A small proportion of patients with kyphosis have a more rigid (immobile) deformity. A sharp angulation occurs in the back in this type of kyphosis which is called Scheuermann Disease. It is seen 2 times more common in males between the ages of 12-17. It is the most common cause of back pain in childhood and adolescence.  The kyphosis that becomes evident when the patient leans forward is the most important physical examination finding.

In our outpatient clinic; in scoliosis and kyphosis patients, treatment plans individually. Personalized exercise programs are arranged. Brace treatment is performed in necessary patients.  The brace acts as a counter support to prevent the curvature from increasing during the growth process. It does not completely straighten the spine. The prior aim is to prevent the progression of the curvature at the level of detection and to prevent reaching the surgical margin.

 For the Successful Brace Treatment;

  • Wearing a brace suitable for the patient's curvature
  • Compatible patient and supportive family
  • Using the brace for 20-23 hours a day
  • Doing the exercise
  • Doctor check-up regularly