

In addition to classical approaches, advances in technology offer advanced treatment to patients in the rehabilitation area. Robotic rehabilitation technologies enable patients to regain their mobility quickly and accurately. Performing the movements with the help of a robot in a repetitive manner in accordance with physiological patterns ensures that the movements in the brain and spinal cord are learned again correctly.

The robot-assisted walking system makes normal walking rhythmically and with multiple repetitions for people who have lost the ability to walk or who can walk with difficulty and who cannot walk due to balance problems. Thus, nerve signals travel to the relevant centers of the spinal cord and brain to reactivate, create new connections for nerve conduction, or reorganize healthy areas around damaged areas to enable walking.

ROBOGAIT system, which is a robot-assisted walking system, serves in the rehabilitation unit of our hospital. In this system, the patient is suspended on the treadmill, positioned in an upright position and connected to the robot. The physiatrist decides to what extent the body weight will be reduced by the device and to what extent the device will contribute to walking. Patients with impaired walking ability due to stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), inactivity due to old age, and balance problems are included in the program. This treatment cannot be applied to patients who have joint contractures / deformities, severe osteoporosis (bone loss), open skin lesions, shoulder subluxation (dislocation), severe spasticity (involuntary contraction),severe abnormal reflexes, serious disorders related to the pulmonary (respiratory) and cardiovascular (cardiovascular) system, severe posture disorders, vision loss, cognitive disorders, and infections that require isolation.